Ida Plantagenet (fl. 1175)

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Ida Plantagenet (fl. 1175)

Countess of Norfolk. Name variations: Isabel Plantagenet. Flourished around 1175; daughter of Isabel de Warrenne (c. 1137–1203) and Hamelin de Warrenne (c. 1129–1202, illegitimate son of Geoffrey of Anjou), 5th earl of Surrey; married Roger Bigod, 2nd earl of Norfolk, one of the 25 sureties of the Magna Carta, and steward of the household of Richard I, king of England; married Robert de Lascy; married Gilbert de Laigle, Lord of Pevensey; children: (first marriage) Hugh Bigod, 3rd earl of Norfolk (r. c. 1200–1225) and earl marshall of England; Margaret Bigod (who married Sir John Jeremy); Margery Bigod (who married William Hastings, steward to Henry II, king of England); Alice Bigod (who married Aubrey IV, 2nd earl of Oxford).

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